Yesterday, I knew something was up when She called us in for breakfast when it was still dark and then shampooed my legs. No motorised cabin arrived though, I had to carry Her up to Duchy College for, what turned out to be a Trec competition.
I quickly assess the situation; obstacle 2 looks ripe for demolition |
First of all I was confronted by an array of pallets and since I was not confident that these would bear my weight, I skilfully manoeuvred around them for 'null points'. The other obstacles I tackled with gusto - bending round poles at canter (mostly), prancing though the 'squeeze', standing patiently with my feet in a hula hoop for 8 of the required 10 seconds. I cantered down a 'corridor' in exemplary fashion and then soared over a jump and slammed on the brakes as next I was confronted by a rustic filler the like of which I have never seen before (another 'null points'). A small amount of destruction occurred in the S bend but otherwise it was agreed that I had acquitted myself well and earned my carrot.
I attracted a number of new fans, but was very nearly upstaged by the arrival of a Clydesdale in full feather but with a sporty body clip. He spends his summers carrying tourists around Dartmoor and his winters on loan doing all sorts, including dressage ("he has points" they said in awed tones). Furthermore, he goes racing - he came second in this race and can be seen on the nearside...
She was very impressed at his versatility, but, to my quiet satisfaction, the final scores showed that I am better at Trec contests than he is. Hah!